Solid and successful strategies for chronic pain.

We devote time to explaining pain and we design practical strategies for regaining control over challenging pain conditions.

Neck pain management

Chronic and Complex Pain Management

The management of chronic pain requires an understanding of the physiology and pathophysiology of how our body (and in particular our central nervous system) produces and reacts to pain. We appreciate the impact that chronic pain can have on an individual’s quality of life, and how difficult it can be to take steps to start physiotherapy when sometimes it feels that movement can make your pain worse. We listen to you and we prescribe a realistic, achievable exercise programme, and we provide follow up support for those who need some extra assistance to stay motivated.

We are focussed on your pain journey and we want to achieve a deep understanding of how your pain is affecting your quality of life. We achieve the best results when we make a connection with each patient to identify a strategy by which we can help you to regain a level of control over your pain and achieve the best outcome.

Our approach to pain management includes:

A detailed assessment of your pain journey including a review of your medical investigations and correspondence from medical specialists involved in your care.

  • Identifying your personal health beliefs and examining the context of your pain in work and social settings.

  • Identifying your vision of your personal physical ability and set about goals to achieve it.

  • Graded movement programmes to restore gentle easy and enjoyable movement.

  • Graded aerobic exercise plans to help you expand your capacity to achieve more with less exertion in day to day life.

We will liaise with your Hospital Consultants and GP to facilitate a healthy multidisciplinary approach to your care.

Pain education is a strong element of our approach to pain management, and we will work with you to grow your understanding of the changes that the body can undergo with a chronic pain condition and set about reversing some of these changes and restore healthy movement again.